Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3 months on Thursday!

That's right..our baby girl will be 3 months old on Thursday.  I can't even believe it has been that long. I swear she wants so badly to say I love you.  I started from the day I got home with her constantly telling hr I love you.  Anytime I would pass by her, pick her up, put her down..didn't matter if she was sleeping.  She got to the point where anytime David or I tells her I love you she gets a big smile on her face.  Now she is making all kinds of noises and watching our mouths to see how we talk and she just wants to talk so badly.  The other night she uttered 'I la'...and stopped. But just that small portion, even if she didn't know what she was saying, was just heart melting!

The dryer buzzer just went off, and I am not really feeling getting out of bed to get the clothes, or folding them for that matter.  However, I wanted to finish all the laundry before David gets home so I need to go get them.

Thankfully tax free weekend is over.  It wasn't too bad, just busy cleaning up the mess.  My boss (Eric) is out of town this week at the Annual National Sales Meeting..hopefully next year I will be there as well as a Store Manager.  Of course that means flying on a plane which doesn't really excite me at all, but I suppose I would have to get over it.  Eric left me in charge of the store this week, so that has made work interesting.  A lot people at my current store don't know that I ran one of my previous stores for 4 months during 4th quarter and the holidays.  So really this is nothing new for me, it's just a bigger store.  I like being in charge so it's been fun.

David got us tickets to the Texans game on Saturday.  They are playing the cowboys which is cool but it is only a pre-season game.  I hope it's a good game to make the cost of the tickets worth it.  I don't know if we are going to go to dinner before the game or what but that would be nice too.  I suppose it counts as a date even if it's not on the 'romatic' side.  It's a start.

Only 3 more days until our weekend off and I cannot wait!!!! 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is the weekend over yet??

Tax free weekend starts tomorrow.  I am not sure if I would rather open and deal with the mad rush or close and deal with all the cleaning up. Either way I am closing so we shall see how it goes.  Thankfully Daneille is closing with me and she always makes a great partner in crime. 

Got to talk to one of my great friends today, Ward!  He has been one of my best friends since I started with Target 5 years ago.  We have seen eachother go through a lot and talking to him reminds me of how crazy the last 5 years have been for me and where my life has brought me.  Everyone has that kind of friend that no matter what happens or where you go you always will keep in touch.  You always have to have friends like that.  I guess I have a lot of friends like that.  It seems like I often will lose close touch with people at some point and then down the road reconnect and have an even stronger friendship with them.  The same could be said for both Leila and Aubrey.  I guess the good thing now is everyone is kind of settled down, not any less beusier, but at least not moving any time soon.  Even better is I live within 5 minutes to each of them which is helpful with my wacky schedule.  I have always thought certain people come and go from our lives at different times for a reason.  It kind of goes with believing everything happens for a reason.  I always try and think about why God brings certain people in my life at times, whether it's reconnecting with an old friend or making a new one.  Leave it to me to analyze everything, but how does the quote go..'the unexamined life is not worth living'. 

So David and I will be married for 11 months in September.  Now, while most people would be afraid to bring up the past, I am a firm believer it is our past that shapes us in to who we are today and that we should be thankful and not regretful for what the past holds.  With that being said, with our 11 months approaching I cannot help but think about the fact that Brandon and I had been married for 11 months when I told him I wanted a divorce.  A lot of the people in my life now don't even know I was previously married, and I forget that until I mention something to the fact and get a shocked look.  I am not sure if the look is because I was previously married or because I openly talk about it. The things is, I can whole heartedly look back and feel fairly confident in saying that I know exactly what happened and why it happened.  The funny part is, now being a mom to this beautiful little girl, I wonder what I will say to her when she is young and thinks she is in love.  I am sure my mom would have loved to know the right thing to say to save me from heartache...but in reality going through my first marraige made me the person I am today.  I went from being a non-confrontational, let everyone walk all over me person to someone who knows exactly what I want and will  not compromise for less.  So even if my mom could have said the right things to save me from this life lesson, would it have been worth it to not help make me who I am?  You have to wonder...I guess the only real adive I could give is that not everyone figures out what they want in life while they are in college.

Random thought...I am sick of all these reality tv shows...I just saw a bit about Chad Ochocinco having some reality dating show.  Really??? It's all the same, just some new shmuck and a group of idiot girls really only looking for 15 minutes of fame.  Please Grey's Anatomy come back on tv!!!!!!  Maybe I should go into writing and come up with a new 'non-reality' show.  Geeeeeez.  I pray this is only a temporary trend that will die off before Madison is a teenager :)

My friend Aubrey has been doing a list of 101 things she wants to accomplish in 1001 days.  I have conisdered jumping on 'the list' wagon but have been searching for a good reason to other than just to join the wagon.  Yes, wagon and not bandwagon because that word annoys me because it is technically used incorrectly.  See there is a difference between bandwagon and bandwagon effect...but saying 'I am jumping on the bandwagon effect' doesn't make sense either but just badwagon by itself means a wagon carrying musians (i.e. for a parade perhaps).  I figure if you just use wagon it means you are getting in a car going the same direction as the people in it.  It's not because I always pick up on stupid little things like this, but because when I do pick up on inconsistencies they drive me NUTS.  Like when David and I were watching criminal minds and a guy helps another guy who has been shot, get the guys blood all over his hands...then he goes and helps another guy who has been shot getting the previous guys blood all over him.  Can we say Blood Borne Pathogens much??? Then I miss the whole next 5 minutes of the show wondering why the writers didn't think about that.


On that note...I am going to go watch Chelsea Handler talk mess about people.  Oh tv....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I need energy...

When you are on your feet for the better part of a 10 hour shift, it's extremely hard to want to come home and work out.  Even walking seems like it might send me over the edge.  I came home today and it was all I could do to not fall asleep on the drive home.  Thank goodness for a/c and loud music!  I got home and quickly laid down on the bed to play with Madison.  Within an hour I was passed out asleep.  Luckily David cooked us some delicious spaghetti because I probably would have just slept the night away.  I have to do something though.  I have to get rid of this baby fat.  I keep telling myself I am not buying any new clothes until I lose weight...at this rate I might be wearing the same clothes in 10 years.  Part of me says why try hard to lose weight if I am going to try to give Madison a brother any time soon.  However, I don't want to make it that much harder to lose weight later.  Aubrey and I had been walking our neighborhood last week which was nice...I think we just need to step it up to jogging because I know if I did that a few times a week I would lose weight.  I just need the energy.  Maybe when the time changes we can  start going earlier so I don't give myself time to get home and too tired to move. 

Today was a better day at work.  Thankfully I have AJ there with me and she is so nice to have around in that store.  Thankfully I was able to avoid conversation with people who irritate me too.  It's nice to be able to just work and get things done and not have to deal with, well, irritating individuals is a nice way to say it.  I know I know, there are people you have to 'learn' to work with everywhere you go.  Really though, sometimes it's just not worth the energy to go around and around every day.  I get to point sometimes where I am tired of all the talk and just want to work in silence.  Be alone in my thoughts....daydream about my baby girl and how she will change over the next few months. 

I cant wait for the weekend.  David has talked about doing something fun...we will see if it happens.  I know I just don't want to do like my last weekend off and do nothing but house chores.  I need to do something to destress. 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thanks Aubrey!

I used to blog a long time ago.  I didn't figure anyone was reading it so I stopped.  However, recently while Aubrey and I were walking the neighborhood she told me she used to read it.  So...she may be the only one that reads this blog but that's okay.  I'm going to blog more for myself than for who may read it.  So Aubrey, here's to you and hopefully some good reading ;)

I am thinking maybe I should have started this blog about 75 days ago...the day Madison was born.  Or maybe even October of 2009 when I found out I was pregant.  Either way I didn't, so here I am. 

My sweet baby girl is sleeping like a rock.  I look over at her and wonder how I created something so undescribeably beautiful.  I can't help but to think back to the day I found out I was pregnant.  David and I had decided to take a random trip to the L'Auberge Casino in LA. It was only a few weeks before our wedding in Las Vegas, but leave it up to the two of us to need a pre-gambling gambling trip.  (We will address our mutual gambling addiction in later blogs).  The trip was fun, we spent the night.  We woke up the next morning and spent about an hour at the casino before we left for home.  I didn't feel well from the moment I woke up that morning, but at first it was tolerable.  We left the casino and went to BWW for lunch, except I was to nasueous to even think about eating it.  We got on the road, after I watched David eat and I despised the smell of one of my favorite restaurants.  30 minutes into the drive I told David to pull over, so he did, in a Jack-n-the-box parking lot.  I got out of the car, started my walk towards the door, and in true Heather fasion proceeded to throw up ALL OVER the parking lot.  This didn't stop me from continuing into the restaurant, into the bathroom, where I threw up whatever I had left in my stomache at that point.  If this gives you a visual at all, let me tell you, it's nothing compared to the distinct memory of this event in my head.  After all this I felt much better and got back in the car and we continued our drive home.  The whole way home I thought it was extremely odd that I woke up so sick.  And like 99% of women would automatically wonder....was I pregnant??   It was all I could do to not have David pull into the next gas station so I could find out.  But really, what women pictures finding out she is pregnant in a gas station bathroom in the middle of hicksville.  So I was patient.  The minute we got back to College Station (where we living at the time), we went straight to the store.  And even though I consider myself well of age to be buying a pregnancy test I still remember feeling like everyone at the store was starring at us.  It's amazing how you can find a way to pee on que when needed.  3 minutes later...maybe longer since David coincidentally had to also pee, aka: go to the bathroom to get a sneak peak to see the results.....POSITIVE! He probably doesn't remember but I remember him coming out of the bathroom whistling....I knew it was positive just from his actions. 

It seems so long ago.  I know at that moment in time, whatever picture I had in my head of what our baby would look like comes no where close to the true beauty she is. 

Next time, maybe a recount of the day she was born, with the help of David since I was so nicely drugged.  Maybe I will just make him type his own version of the days events....ha, yeah right.